Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Photos for plays in New York

Photos for plays in New York
Photos for plays in New York

A play or play is a literary form normally constituted by dialogues between characters and with a certain order. The academic definition refers specifically to the "text of a theatrical performance", optionally accompanied by dimensions.


Among the main dramatic genres: comedy, farce, melodrama, tragedy, tragicomedy and piece. Also musical genres like opera, operetta and musicals proper, ballet and dance can be included, when in them appears dramatized action. Photography in plays is one of those situations that are undoubtedly complicated, since the moments we want to collect are probably not repeated and the conditions around us will not be the best.

In photography of plays the photographer does not have control of the lighting, this has been previously designed by the artistic director of the work. There is also no control over the arrangement of the elements of the scenery, much less the location, gestures, body expression or movement of the actors, everything is ready to be photographed. The credit for lighting is not for the photographer, the photographer only uses their techniques in handling the camera to give certain lighting effects. Despite all these obstacles in Artview Studios, we have a great team of photographers who use the most accurate and precise techniques to perform this type of work, which differs a lot from the facts outdoors or in studies.

We have the necessary tools for your theater work to be captured by our lens in the best way possible, more than a camera, tripod, etc.

Also, we analyze a strategic place to take a high-profile photograph, of course without interrupting the connection between the public and the actor. In other words none of them practically noticed our presence at the time of our work.

In short, if you are a director of a theater, or you just want to hire a professional photographer to capture the best images in the most complex conditions, look no further, contact us and you will see a high work.

Article written on the basis of: Jose Luis Rodriguez (s.f.), René Figueroa (2012).