Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Landscape Photography

Landscape Photography
Landscape Photography

The landscape has been one of the engines of the evolution of the history of photography. The oldest photographic view of which we are aware turns out to be a rural landscape that Nicéphore Niepce bequeathed to us in his View from the window at Gras, 1826. Urban view or natural view the pioneers documented the social development of our communities from those dead landscapes , where nobody seemed to inhabit, realizing the technical limitations of the time.

These photographic proposals followed others where the poles of realism and idealism, again and again, alternated their influence. This led to a sifted landscape through the formal experiences of the avant-garde or the demonstrations of Ansel Adams' middle rule. The modern vision of space finds its precedents in the History of photography, but especially in the change to the postmodernity offered by the contributions of William Eggleston, especially with its use of color and its concern to transfer the photographic attention to that none- place-in-particular of which so much have drunk the diverse batches of the European artists of the New Topography, during the years 1980 and 1990.

As in painting, in photography, landscapes have been a constant theme throughout history. Landscapes are an inanimate, static and affordable photographic subject. In addition, they can present different faces because the same landscape can be different depending on the time of year, the time that makes, the angle from which we photograph it and the frame that we choose.

In landscape photography we find various styles framed in descriptive, impressionistic and abstract modalities. Let's briefly define each of them:

Romantic style: it usually introduces a certain amount of blur and a backlight.

Descriptive style: The most outstanding of this type of photography is a careful composition and extreme attention to detail.

Graphic / abstract style: It consists of extracting the graphic essence of a scene in the best possible way.

Environmental style: It appears as a method of protest against the degradation of the environment due to pollution.

Controlled Style: Landscapes are usually photographed in natural light. In this style, they are usually photographed illuminated with artificial light so that most of the time the night is taken.

Do you need the best landscape images?

Look no further Artview Studios, is here to do a great job whatever your intention, projecting the different types of landscape photography serving your need. We have the ideal tools and postproduction necessary to show what you want to show.

Article written based on: jesus-marinetto (2011).

Photography for Political Campaign in New York

Photography for Political Campaign in New York
Photography for Political Campaign in New York

A political campaign or electoral campaign is an organized effort carried out to influence the decision of a process in a group. In democracies, campaigns often refer to election campaigns, where representatives are chosen or a referendum is decided. A political campaign also includes efforts to alter the politics or ideology of any institution.


Politics has a great history like humanity, and is not limited to democratic or governmental institutions. Some examples of political campaigns are: the effort to execute or banish from Athens to Socrates in Century V a. C., the uprising of the nobility against John I of England in the thirteenth century, or the bid to displace Michael Eisner from the direction of the Walt Disney Company. It is considered to be the first modern political campaign carried out by British Prime Minister William Gladstone between 1876 and 1880.


The campaign team, which may consist of an inspired individual or a group of experienced professionals, should think about how to communicate the message, raise funds and recruit volunteers. Propaganda is often limited by law, the resources available and often the imagination of those responsible.
One of the tools widely used in electoral campaigns is the candid photographs of the candidate, with a small message addressed to the public to draw the attention of the voter and thus persuade him even more to decide for that candidate.

At Artview Studios, we have a team of professional photographers and videographers to cover any event, including those for political purposes, which are trained to take the photograph you choose as a political banner, with their respective edition and postproduction with the colors and designs striking to attract the elector, either from our studies or outdoors. On the other hand we can capture impressive images during any political event that takes place or during the closing of the electoral campaign.

We will take care of highlighting the best of the candidate with the help of our work tools that we assure you are the latest technology.

Article written based on: Jessica Grau (s.f.).

Golden Wedding in New york

Golden Wedding in New york
Golden Wedding in New york

Golden weddings refer to the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the marriage of a married couple. Not everyone reaches this level of married life, so many who do decide to celebrate this event in the highest.
People who have lived together for half a century have shown mutual love, respect, trust and fidelity. Like everyone else, they will have overcome difficulties, challenges and many moments of joy.

In certain cultures, there is a tradition where they exchange new alliances in the golden wedding, and the rings of the first wedding are given to the grandchildren as a family heirloom.

Although it means a great event, for married couples and their family, it no longer represents the same pressure that they had or had when they were married the first time.

Some decide to hold a small family reunion either at home, in a restaurant, but others decide to make it a little larger in a local or party room. What they do have in common is that it is generally considered as a family event.

Also some couples decide to renew their vows, making a second marriage, more symbolic than the previous one. With regard to the guests, usually the family and the closest ones are that they attend the event although sometimes they invite friends from childhood or some in particular. It is valid to hold this celebration in a key place such as where they met.

It is very common, that in the celebration it is danced to the son of music of the time in which they married or of those preferred songs of the pair. Just as many decide to renew their vows, so do others, while at the same time renewing their alliances, with new rings.

A good idea within the framework of the celebration of 50 years of marriage, is to make a special video detailing the photographs of the most important moments of the birthday, their commitment, marriage, pregnancy, birth of the first baby and many other events experienced by the couple. Undoubtedly, it is a detail that will touch the heart not only of the couple but also of their relatives and friends.

Artview Studios offers you a compilation of those moments accompanied by a musical background about the story of your life during that period of time you have lived together. And to remember it more real, nothing better than to record a video that stores the entire celebration, which undoubtedly is worth remembering forever.

Article built based on: Bodas de Oro (s.f.), 10 ideas originales para bodas de oro (2017).

Photography fashion events and footbridge

Photography fashion events and footbridge in New York
Photography fashion events and footbridge in New York

In fashion, a catwalk is understood as a narrow and somewhat elevated aisle, destined for the parade of artists, models of clothes, etc., so that they can be contemplated in passing. The term catwalk probably derives from elevated passages or corridors connecting adjacent buildings (narrow, generally elevated platforms).

For its part, the fashion show is the theatricalised staging of the idea or concept that the designer develops in his collection.

In a fashion show there are varied and multiple objectives: Inform about the new collections. To do this, the collection of the garments must be presented in an attractive and suggestive manner, consistent with the idea and style that the designer wishes to convey. The previous press release and the press dossier are two necessary complements so that the journalists know with precision to whom they are directed their clothes and what it is wanted to communicate with them. In addition to reporting on their own garments, designers are implicitly giving brand information: sophisticated, alternative, conceptual, artistic or bohemian.

Fashion photography is one of the most popular genres in the photographic world. It is based on displaying fashionable items like clothes, cosmetics or accessories in the most creative and effective way in order to be able to sell those products.

At Artview Studios Our Photographers demonstrate their talent and creativity in this type of work, while mastering photography and lighting techniques.

Each area of ​​photography is interesting for the lens of our team, and in the fashion is no different. Our photographers once in the place where the event takes place, they put all the feeling possible since they really love what they are doing and is that for a work to be of high bill, the photographer should be passionate about his work, be aware of every detail, every pose of the model or have knowledge of the correct angles to get a great photograph.

In fashion photography we transform our images into history, where each model is a character that will convey what we want to sell.

If you have a fashion firm and still do not have a professional photographer, contact us and know our great jobs.

Article written on the basis of: Julián Posada (2008), Buenas Tareas ("Desfile de Modas" 2012), Noelia Ruiz (2017), Oscar Parra (s.f.).

Photos for plays in New York

Photos for plays in New York
Photos for plays in New York

A play or play is a literary form normally constituted by dialogues between characters and with a certain order. The academic definition refers specifically to the "text of a theatrical performance", optionally accompanied by dimensions.


Among the main dramatic genres: comedy, farce, melodrama, tragedy, tragicomedy and piece. Also musical genres like opera, operetta and musicals proper, ballet and dance can be included, when in them appears dramatized action. Photography in plays is one of those situations that are undoubtedly complicated, since the moments we want to collect are probably not repeated and the conditions around us will not be the best.

In photography of plays the photographer does not have control of the lighting, this has been previously designed by the artistic director of the work. There is also no control over the arrangement of the elements of the scenery, much less the location, gestures, body expression or movement of the actors, everything is ready to be photographed. The credit for lighting is not for the photographer, the photographer only uses their techniques in handling the camera to give certain lighting effects. Despite all these obstacles in Artview Studios, we have a great team of photographers who use the most accurate and precise techniques to perform this type of work, which differs a lot from the facts outdoors or in studies.

We have the necessary tools for your theater work to be captured by our lens in the best way possible, more than a camera, tripod, etc.

Also, we analyze a strategic place to take a high-profile photograph, of course without interrupting the connection between the public and the actor. In other words none of them practically noticed our presence at the time of our work.

In short, if you are a director of a theater, or you just want to hire a professional photographer to capture the best images in the most complex conditions, look no further, contact us and you will see a high work.

Article written on the basis of: Jose Luis Rodriguez (s.f.), René Figueroa (2012).

Curiosities about the dress of fifteen years

Curiosities about the dress of fifteen years
Curiosities about the dress of fifteen years

In the tradition of the fifteen years, one of the most important elements that take the world of dreams to quinceañeras is the dress, in ancient times this element was white, because it symbolizes the purity that all the girls have to that age.

The dress has always been very wide, most of the time strapless and with lots of crinoline; usually carries decorations in lace of cotton or silk and pastel in white or pastel colors. However, new trends use pastel colors a lot, like pink, light blue, yellow, lilac and even black. with regard to styles although several like the traditional long, others prefer to wear short dresses and knees.

Also, we can mention that it is currently customary to wear three different dresses. One for the church, very traditional cut princess with crinoline; another for the party, to the taste of the quinceañera in stronger colors, like black and cherry (wine color), and one more for the dance, when the quinceañera dances with his father, padrinos, chambelanes and familiar.

On the other hand, it is very fashionable to make fifteen years inspired by some special theme, such as fashion, colonial times and also for the most tender is available a line of dresses inspired by Cinderella, Jasmine, Ariel, Aurora or Pocahontas, among others.

Are you going to celebrate your fifteenth birthday? Do not have a professional photographer yet?

You are in the right place, in Artview Studios we are specialists in capturing those magical moments in which you become a young lady with new responsibilities and duties, also every detail of that special day, the dance, your friends, all that joy that emanates from your parents and family, the moment you wear your high shoes and many moments that you will remember forever thanks to the lens of our photographers and cameramen. Also if you want a celebration with a specific theme, do not worry that we are there with the decoration appropriate for the theme you choose, we have more than 8 themes for you, there will be no problem in finding a new theme as long as it is in advance .

Article written based on: Algunos Datos Sobre el Vestido de Xv años (s.f.), Historia del Vestido (s.f.), Huffington Post (2013).

Photos for First Communion

Photos for First Communion
Photos for First Communion

The Sacrament of Eucharist or Communion is the true body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ given with the bread and wine, instituted by Christ Himself, so that we may eat and drink. It is also called the Lord's Supper, and it is the real presence of Christ with us. When someone first comes to the altar to receive Jesus Christ in his Holy Communion, we celebrate it with great respect, and we call it First Communion.

One of the most significant celebrations for children is the First Communion as this marks its beginning, actively as Catholics. Being larger and having received a special preparation makes them aware of the sacrament to receive.

(The Eucharist) unites us to the Lord and in this sense unites us among us. It is binding, in the sense that it makes us members of the Body of Christ, whose unity is constituted in the bonds of the profession of faith, the sacraments, ecclesiastical government and communion. " Cardinal Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI), 22-XII-03.

After baptism, the Eucharist is the most important Sacrament in the life of a Catholic person, since the Body and Blood of Christ are being received. Undoubtedly, the parents of these children make a preliminary preparation for the celebration of such an important event, it is poignant when parents express the emotion they feel when they see their children without ceasing to pass through their minds: time, "it is nine years since I first saw him and today they are receiving this special Sacrament, in a moment that somehow represents the culminating stage of their life as children.

Then, previous weeks arises the anxiety of parents to try to organize everything so that the day of the sacrament comes out all right, costumes, dresses, shoes, food, decoration and of course photography and for this you have Artview Studios, we offer you high quality photographs and videos in HD format that will capture the moments of joy and happiness of the child and his relatives and guests. We can make your child a full story either from days before the Eucharist on the outside in study, and the same day before leaving home, then in the church during the most important acts of the sacrament, when leaving the church , with his companions, etc. Also in the party room we will also be present, in which our photographers will always be aware of every detail of the celebration to capture the images that will be remembered forever.

We will deliver the photos in digital form so that you can store them on your pc, share them on social networks of your choice, as well as an album if you wish with the name of the child who is receiving the sacrament. Contact us to extend the information.

Article written based on: Mayte Navarro (2015), Requisitos para primera Comunión (s.f.), Javier Poveda (s.f.).